Friday, September 11, 2009

Class Theme Decided: Dwell in a Tent

The seminary class has decided on a theme. It’s based on 1 Nephi 2:15 and it is:

Dwell in a tent

We discussed what that actually means. When we see the phrase ‘dwell in a tent’ what concepts should we associate with it?

This is what they said:

  • We need to follow God. Whatever he asks us to do, that we should do.
  • We should leave worldly things behind us.
  • We need to surround ourselves with good people, good friends, and our family.

So here it is:

Dwell in a tent. Follow God. Leave worldly things behind. Keep good friends.

The theme of “Strength of God” (Alma 56:56) was highly favored by the class and they are considering that for the theme for the 2nd semester.


ajehz and m said...

I love this. I think our family will also adopt this mantra/theme.

Shelby Bingham said...

Great theme! It reminds me of a sharing time we did within the past year where we literally pitched our tents with the doors facing the temple -- as in the King Benjamin story. The kids loved it -- dare I say the teens might enjoy pitching tents?? :)

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