Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Beware the Flatterer Who Lusts for Power

Look out for people who possess these two qualities at the same time: 1) lust for power and 2) speak flattering things. This combination is dangerous to the common person who is apt to be taken in by the flattery and then manipulated by the power.

One of these people from years back was a fellow named Amlici. He got a following by flattering talk. When enough people followed him the first thing he did with the new power was manipulate his followers to give him more power, at their expense. Over 12,000 of them were killed in a single day.

A power lusting flatterer offers nothing to you and I but manipulation for their own benefit at our expense.

Instead of admitting power lusting flatterers to political office perhaps we should choose humble people with integrity who have no lust for power and no talent for flattery.

- Alma 2:6-10

1 comment:

Shelby Bingham said...

I especially appreciate your last paragraph. Wouldn't that be refreshing? Imagine being able to hold political figures up as role models! Wow! What a concept!

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