Monday, November 16, 2009

Avoiding Corrupt Leaders

When you recognize the pattern corrupt leaders use to get their people to follow them, you can avoid the subsequent suffering of being duped.

Using King Noah as an example:

  • he taxed his people 20% of everything they had and used that money for his own benefit
  • the tax was used to reward his minions for their loyalty
  • vain and flattering words were said to the people by the king and his minions
  • the people were lied to extensively
  • the king wasn’t concerned about the safety of his people and did not adequately protect them
  • the king thought he was above God

The result of King Noah’s corrupt leadership was that many of the people he duped were killed and enslaved. If they had only recognized the signs and avoided them…

We are wise to learn from them.

- Mosiah 11:3-4, 7, 16-17, 27


heather lorraine said...

That's very wise.

It probably doesn't need to be said but I can't help but state the obvious- OBAMA!!!

Oops. Delete this comment if it's inappropriate.

Damon Janis said...

My job is to try to teach correct principles. Your comment is completely appropriate -- we can't be responsible for the fact that Obama fits the pattern! :)

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