Monday, May 3, 2010

Use Your Intelligence, Think!

Use your intelligence. As long as we have it, we ought to use it.

Suppose you are asked by God to accomplish something difficult, like take a group of 50 people across the ocean in small boats that are sealed shut so the water can’t come in during huge storms.

You recognize two major problems. First, you’ll run out of air and suffocate and second, you can’t see anything in the pitch black.

So you ask God to help you solve those problems. He gives you the solution to the first problem but doesn’t even address the second one.

You ask again. He agrees with you that having no light is a problem, and expounds on why, and then asks you what you want him to do about it.

Have you ever asked God for help and it seemed like you weren’t getting an answer, he wasn’t telling you what to do? Sometimes he wants us to use our reasoning and intelligence to figure it out.

This is exactly what happened to ‘the brother of Jared’. And figure it out he did!

- Ether 2:19-25; 3:1-5

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