Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Bad Guy’s Team is Not a Team

Picture two high school football teams. One team is filled with cheaters, liars, and drug addicts (bad guys). The other team is filled with hard working, honest, health conscious players (good guys).

Joining the bad guys team is like joining no team at all. As soon as a drug test is administered your team is going to get disqualified. Plus with so many cheaters and liars how can you trust them enough to work together as a football team must?

In the competition between good and evil, joining the evil team is like joining no team at all. In fact Korihor found that out. After doing his team leader’s work for a while he was deserted and as Mormon put it, “the devil will not support his children at the last day but doth drag them speedily down to hell.”

Bad decision, Korihor. You thought you were joining up to a team where you’d get some support. Your problem is, you joined the wrong ‘team’.

-Alma 30:60

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