Sunday, February 21, 2010

Promises, Promises

Two very different ways to build a following:

  1. Tell people what they want to hear and be tricky, hiding true intentions.
  2. Tell people the truth and make true intentions known.

If someone resorts to the first method you can be assured they want to take away freedom. It’s the only way to get people to follow if your true intention is to control your followers for your personal lust for power.

In 73 B.C. a man named Amalickiah used method #1. He flattered the people and through his cunning got many people to follow. He promised wealth, security, and prosperity if they would give him power.

In 73 B.C. a man named Moroni used method #2. He wrote his message down in clear language, told the truth about his intentions, and without making any promises appealed to the people’s desire to preserve their freedom.

In fact Moroni was purposefully counteracting Amalickiah. One was trying to take away the people’s freedom, the other to preserve it.

If you notice anyone following method #1 and asking you to follow, simply don’t.

- Alma 46:4-7, 10, 12-13, 16, 19-21

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