Sunday, February 7, 2010

When God Doesn’t Give the Answer

When Alma says to his son “learn wisdom in thy youth” it’s like saying “go experience life and as you make mistakes learn wisdom from them.” That’s one of the ways wisdom is learned.

What if God told us the answer to every question we had? Our ability to learn wisdom would be stunted.

A master plumber recently told me that when he was just learning the trade it was so nice when his master plumber was around to answer questions. It took the responsibility off his own shoulders. But his confidence and wisdom only grew when he himself had to make decisions.

Now he sees his journeyman plumbers doing the same with him and he realizes that they can’t grow in confidence and wisdom if he is always telling them what to do and making decisions for them.

God answers our petitions in his own time, but he does answer them. Sometimes the answer may be that we need to make the decision using our own judgment. These are the times we progress and grow in wisdom. These are the times to anticipate because we’ll be better for them.

- Alma 37:35

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